Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Monsters and Heroes

Eph. 2:2-3
"... The prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience- among whom we all once lived..."

Satan once had power over me. He had access to me. I was loyal to him in my ignorance. Deception. Hate. Murder. Blood-thirsty monster. He hates me. He kissed me as he led me to death. He was leading me to eternal fire. I can imagine his song- so enticing but something wrong about it. A beautiful creature stroking my hand with promises. How deceived I was.

Christ, with piercing light, revealed that darkness. I said "I believe You are God." You bathed me in blood so holy that evil claws released their grip. You resurrected me to truth. You held me closely as I cried in shame. You sang to me songs of a forever love. You are perfect. You satisfy. Your promises never fail. You rescued me from darkness. I forgot where I came from. The memory chills me. Thank you, my Savior. My Hero.

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